3,157 research outputs found

    Roaming service for electric vehicle charging using blockchain-based digital identity

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    We present a suitable approach to address the electric vehicle charging roaming problem (e-roaming). Blockchain technologies are applied to support the identity management process of users charging their vehicles and to record energy transactions securely. At the same time, off-chain cloud-based storage is used to record the transaction details. A user wallet settled on a mobile application stores user verified credentials; a backend application in the vehicle charging station validates the user credentials to authorize the energy transaction. The current model can be applied to similar contexts where the user may be required to keep several credentials from different providers to authenticate digital transactions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experiências de Cyberbullying relatadas por estudantes do ensino superior politécnico

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    As TIC trouxeram múltiplos benefícios mas acarretam também riscos, nomeadamente o cyberbullying, ou seja, a prática de atos agressivos, intencionais e repetidos com recurso a dispositivos eletrónicos para, por exemplo, enviar mensagens insultuosas ou criar websites que difamam e hostilizam os outros. Este estudo teve por objetivos conhecer a frequência e os tipos de cyberbullying praticados, sofridos e observados por estudantes do ensino superior politécnico; saber se se veriicam diferenças entre géneros e cursos; identiicar as emoções associadas aos diferentes papéis no cyberbullying; identiicar os motivos invocados pelos agressores para explicar este tipo de comportamento. Para o efeito construiu-se um questionário quantitativo que foi aplicado a 170 estudantes que frequentavam várias licenciaturas de uma instituição de ensino superior politécnico de Portugal. Os resultados revelaram que 30,6% dos estudantes já tinham sido vítimas de cyberbullying e 8,2% admitiu ter praticado cyberbullying, pelo menos algumas vezes. Um dos motivos mais evocados pelos agressores para esta prática foi a vingança relativamente a episódios ocorridos anteriormente. Não se veriicaram diferenças signiicativas entre sexos mas o fenómeno era mais frequente em cursos de engenharia comparativamente aos de educação e ciências humanas. Equaciona-se a prevenção do cyberbullying a partir da utilização dos próprios meios de comunicação social para promoção da partilha de informação sobre como utilizar as TIC de forma ética e segura, bem como através da criação de programas e plataformas envolvendo estudantes de vários níveis de ensino com vista à prevenção deste fenómeno

    Pre-school science education in Portugal: teacher education and innovative practices

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    Assuming science education in the early years as the stepping stone for the development of scientific and technological literacy, a teacher training program was developed with six kindergarten teachers in Portugal. Its aim was to promote the (re)construction of their subject content and pedagogical knowledge leading to innovative practices, based on the characterization of their profile, shortcomings and practices. Learning through practice was considered the most effective means to promote change in kindergarten teachers’ curricular approaches to science, hence the development of practical activities focusing on children’s understanding and requiring their scientific knowledge and enquiry processes. These include a teacher’s guide (presenting its objectives, concepts and teaching, learning and assessment strategies), a theoretical framework (presenting the concepts, known misconceptions and research references) and also the necessary didactic resources. The paper details the results of the developed teacher training program as well of the validation process of the designed teaching strategies

    Conceptions of teaching quality in public higher education institutions in the Alentejo region

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    Este estudo teve como objectivos conhecer e comparar as concepções sobre qualidade de ensino de docentes e estudantes de estabelecimentos públicos de ensino superior da região do Alentejo. Tratou-se de um estudo qualitativo, que incluiu uma análise de conteúdo a uma questão aberta relativa ao modo como 427 estudantes e 103 docentes definiam qualidade de ensino. A análise de conteúdo baseou-se nos modelos teóricos disponíveis, nas actividades previstas para o ensino superior e, sobretudo, no conteúdo das respostas escritas dos participantes. Os resultados revelaram que as respostas de docentes e estudantes das três instituições, globalmente consideradas, não diferiam substancialmente umas das outras e que a qualidade de ensino era mais associada a aspectos de natureza pedagógica, preparação para o mercado de trabalho, articulação com a comunidade e qualificação dos docentes do que com aspectos associados à investigação

    Química e educação para a sustentabilidade: fundamentos e propostas curriculares para Timor-Leste

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    Es presenten i discuteixen les directrius seguides en el disseny del currículum de l'educació secundària general (10è, 11è i 12è anys) de Timor Oriental per a l'àrea de ciència i tecnologia i s'explica la seva aplicació en la disciplina de química, en programes, manuals per als alumnes i guies per a docents, dissenyats tenint en compte les perspectives de l'educació per a la sostenibilitat d'acord amb els Objectius de Desenvolupament del Mil·lenni. Els continguts químics estan contextualitzats en situacions reals que promouen les habilitats de resolució de problemes i el treball de laboratori.In this paper we present and discuss the guidelines followed in the drawing up of the general secondary school curriculum for Sciences and Technology area in East Timor (10th, 11th and 12th grades). In particular we explain how they were concretized in the chemistry programs, student textbooks and teacher guides, which were conceived under the idea of education for sustainability combined with the Millennium Development Objectives. The chemistry contents are contextualized in real life situations in order to promote problem solving and laboratory work skills

    Digital clinical guidelines modelling

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    Oliveira T., Costa A., Neves J., Novais P., Digital Clinical Guidelines Modelling, Modelling and Simulation 2011, Novais P., Machado J., Analide C., Abelha A., (Eds.) (ESM’2011 – The 2011 European Simulation and Modelling Conference, Guimarães, Portugal) EUROSIS Publisher, ISBN: 978-9077381-66-3, pp 392-398, 2011.Healthcare environments are very demanding, because practitioners are required to consult many patients in a short period of time, increasing the levels of stress which usually harms the outcome of healthcare processes. The short time practitioners have with their patients does not facilitate informed decision making and checking all possibilities. A possible solution is the use of guideline-based applications, because they have the potential of being an effective means of both changing the process of healthcare and improving its outcomes. However, current Clinical Guidelines are available in text format as long documents, which render them difficult to consult and to integrate in clinical Decision Support Systems. With this paper we present a new model for guideline interpretation, in order to facilitate de development of guideline-based Decision Support Systems and to increase the availability of Clinical Guidelines at the moment of the clinical process. This model will also provide mechanisms to comply with cases where incomplete and uncertain information is present. The development and implementation of this model will be presented in the following pages

    Direct current control of an active power filter for harmonic elimination, power factor correction and load unbalancing compensation

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    An active power filter is designed, simulated, implemented, and tested. It can work in different modes: active power filtering, power factor correction, and load unbalance compensation. It is based on a current controlled voltage-source inverter with fixed carrier PWM. The control algorithm generates the source reference currents based on the controlled DC link voltage. The dimensioning criteria of the inductive and capacitive power components is discussed. The implementation is validated with simulated and experimental results obtained in a 5 kVA prototype
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